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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Randomly titled blog post.

I know its been 10 days since my last post, but bloging has been put on the back burner to studying and other things. So I sapose an update is in order! Nothing has really happend. sorry. I did start playing D&D with Eve and Lill in one of their friends campaigns, it was interesting not really that fun at first, but I started geting into it.

Have I ever mentioned Eve and Lill before? I don't think I have really. Ofcorse Eve and Lill arn't their real names, Eve is my bestfriend and Lill is her feaunce, who is male. The reasone I her Eve is becuse it was her original world of warcraft characters name, although she goes by it like all the time any way so Eve, and Lill is her boys character's name from WoW. Me and Eve have been friends for.... god I think its going on like 12 or 13 years now. we've bee together longer than most couples. Anyway we met durring recess on the second day of our fifth grade year. I don't even remember what year that was.

Have yous guys heard this band called Whore's Mascara? I was introduced to them via......well I'm not at librity to comment at the moment. . But anyway they are pretty good, at first its kinda like WTF??? but it gets in your head and just rattles around in there.

Last weekend it was the city wide garage sale in my town and I went scowaring around town for a bookshelf, but I didn't have any luck, I did find a neat old type fan for like 3 bucks! Its super loud and blows like a well trained hooker! But it is just really loud to run for to long.

So I have a little crushy on this guy in my Intro to Corrections class, he looks like he could be middle eastern or Indian (dot not feather). I don't know what his name is, what can I say I'm shy, but at least he is some really good eye candy. Hes probably straight too, I always end up likeing the straight ones. Its getting to be a bit frustrating. Like a few of the guys at camp I had major crushes on too but they where straight as well. Most notably from my camp crushes was the little church boy (which was so odd for me falling for this guy seeing as thouse people typicly annoy the shit out of me, you know the ones, they were home schooled and have a huge family and preach at you all night and day).  Anyway again not really inprortant just oh well.

OMG! I lauphed my ass off today listening to one of Wanda Wisdom's shows! I'll have to post a link to this show it was the best one she's done in a while. She is completly obsessed with this word "Bung CHOW!" fucking hilarious!

Well thats really all I've got to talk about with yous guys today. have a good one!



Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thats Life. well kinda.

 Have you ever had thoughs days where your just wondering why you should care about this shit? Because I think I'm having one of thoughs today.

 Today was a studyish day for me. I didn't really get to much done, yet I did at the same time. Its kinda odd in a way. Well its more like I've gotten a lot done for 2 of my classes, but not the other 2. Really when you give me a regular book to read for a text book I'm not going to just breaze right through it, thats not how I work..... tipicly. I mean there was a time at the begining of the year that I breazed through like 4 or 5 books in a matter of 2 weeks. But even so that was the middle of winter and I didn't have other things to focus on, or to distract me, or to miss so so much. But there are now I gess... ok not really...... I mean I do have a lot on my plate right now but truth be told I'm not utalizing my time like I should be. Well that and my Homeland Security book sucks some major ass crack! Its saposed to be an introduction book but it is packed full of figures and numbers and dates and acts and all of this other shit! And it just repeats its self over and over and over again. Its a readers nightmare, it might be a scanner's too but I'm not one so I can't say that for sure.

 I was able to get through the shit about the god damnd PATRIOT act, althought it did have some actual readable content from newspaper articals in it. One was by this crazy liberal, and we all know a liberal will freek on anything that a republican puts into action say that it is in direct violation of human rights and our rights as americans..... Its sounds so much like what the conservatives do when a liberal does something dosn't it? Maybe a little like this whole health care thing thats happening at the moment. I'm so glad that I'm an indipendant sometimes.

 I miss camp, a lot......
Not so much the work, and yet yes the work. Maybe I just miss my friends. No its not just my friends its camp like the place, the work, the lack of sleep, the food, the socal interaction, the (dare I say) cleaning, the responsability, the feeling that you really where just fucking amazing!, and ofcorse the friendships. I miss it all. My heart aches at the thought of it. I remember how at night I would go down to the beach and just sit and listen to the waves rolling into shore, and feel the crisp air blowing off of the cool dark waters, and the sight of a bright glowing moon hovering over the water casting its glare on the lake. I miss the excursions to St. Cloud and eating at the Olive Garden, and going over to Buffalo and catching a flick in their quante movie theater, and going to Maddigin's for some Kereoke. I miss it all. I want to be back. Home is where the Heart is, I left my heart on the shore of Ceader Lake.

 I think a combination of Pok'emon and the X-Files is taking over my life. My preams have consisted of trying to catch extratarestrial beings and ghosts and Agent Mulder's arse and groinal regons..... ok that one is actually more recent than the others. But some times I'll wake up in a panic thinking that I didn't save my game on the Pok'emon and will have to redo 20 min of levaling which ever pok'emon it is at the time. What the hell is wrong with me? seriously? What the Hell? I just had a thought could it possibly be a simple distractor? taking my thoughts away from things that have been stressing me out like moving out and school, and getting a god damnd job? maybe but then again, I have no Idea.

 I am fucking head over heals for David Fucking Duchovny! I want every god damnd part of him! I'm getting stimulated just writing about it! DAMN JD CLAM THE FUCK DOWN!!! Ok I'm good, don't worry nothing inapropriate happend.

 Is there a point to this blog today??? No I don't think that there is.

 James and myself went out yesterday and got our outfits for Halloween! I was amazed to find a trenchcoat for 3 dollers! Thank what ever you belevein for thrift stores! All I need is the shoes, the hair, and the make up and yours truly will be Secial Agent Dana Scully! I'll post pics don't worry you will see this!

 I have nothig more to say!
bye lovies

I'm just gunna' roll myself into a big ball and die!    My......my.

PS. DAVID PICS!!!!!!!!

Okay just one more for the road.  : )

Monday, September 7, 2009

I want to be the very best like no one ever was!

 Have you ever felt like your choaking for breath because the enviroment that you live in is sucking the air out of the room? Well if you have then you'll understand how I'm feeling at the moment. After living away at camp for like 2 months and although it was only two months I can no longer stand living with my parents. I have said this for some time now but before I realize that it was only because I felt as though life was moving forward and I wasn't. But now I  have grown (in my opinon anyway) and now require my own living space. Not the fair sized bedroom in the dungeon like basement. Even my parents characteristics are plunging that metiphorical knife deeper into my scull. My Dad I am begining to become more tolerent with, but my Mom and drive a gold fish away.
 School is going as well as it can for going on to the theird week. I didn't have my Home Land Security class tonight though, on the account that it is Labor Day. Although I'm kinda bummed because I don't have it next week eather. The actual text books I have to read are turning out to be horrendus! Except the Juvenile Delinquency one mainly because I find it facinating, the others though could kill. My Community Policing is the worst, imagin a book with no pictures explaining that community policing is that the community is the police and the police are the community, riviting... My Introduction to Home Land Security book is a bit better than that it has pictures and was written and published by the republican party, Oh and did I mention that they practicly make it sound as though George W. Bush is god?, again riviting...
 Life in genreal has been just alright, I got totaly blasted on thursday night. I'm tellin' yeah don't have a Vodka Martinii when you're soaber, they're dangerous. Other wise I had like 4 ammereto and cokes, and I would have been fine to drive back home if it had just been that because I had stopped drinking at 10pm. But that damn martinii just kicked my ass.
 I'm starting to think hard about Halloween at this point in time. It has always been one of my favorite hollidays mainly cuz you get to dress up. I'm thinking of maybe doing Richard Simmons, but that costume would be freekin' cold. I gave James an idea though as going as Mulder and Scully, which I think would be amazing! Expesally seeing as how I would be Scully! but then again I don't know any suggestions for cosutmes guys? There was another one I was just thinking of but I totaly forgot what it was. Oh well.
 I need to find a roommate. The coast of driving down to Minneapolis and back is getting to be to much! I also need to find a job down there too, there are plenty of returants I could apply at. I did get an application from Hard Rock but my pen expolded so now I have to get another one. I also applyed at the Tansportation Security Agency today, so we'll see what happens with that.
 I remeber what the other costume I was thinking of was. I was thinking of going as James from Team Rocket from the Pokemon TV show. That would be kinda cool. I started playing my old Pokemon Red game again this summer and now its gotten to the point where I want to trade pokemon, so I went out to the local pawn shop that I just realized that we had and found the original Pokemon Blue! and a link cable! but the cable turned out to not work proporly so I returned it. But now I don't have the pokemon from pokemon blue and it was a sad day. I have cought Mew though in red. But I want Bulbisur and squirtle!
 Well thats all I gess.

Untill next time.

So surrender now or prepare to fight!