The weekend before that was pretty darn fun too! On that occasion Joe actualy went out with us. We went out to Shanan and Moose's house, for their anual Halloween party.
Well now its been a week, and all of this seems rather boring to write about.
D&D!!!! I almost forgot to mention it! I had another round of gameplay last sunday. It was the most fun that I have had doing it and am certanly going to continue to play. It turned out that our Dungeon Master Matt was starting the campaine over again. So that means we had to create all new characters, aside from the Drou ones that we had made previously. I made a human monk, not to far of a streach than the Drou monk that I created before. But I think that its much funner starting with lvl 1 characters. I named the new guy Carlisle after the lead vampire in the Twilight saga.
Ever since then I've kept thinking of the Twilight books, I had read Twilight and New Moon, but New Moon wasn't all that great so I didn't really see the need to continue. That is again untill this past week. I had already been reading Sphere by Michael Crichton, but on friday I put that one on hold for now. And I don't think it will be to long before I'm back to it. Because on friday I started reading Eclipse, the 3rd book in the series. Its only been 3 days and I've already cleared 266 pages, but it goes by fast. I'm overly in love with the Werewolfs in the story, Meyer really created a better Werewolf lore than she did vampire. I just get so happy when Jacob Black is around.
School as been well school... I have some major reaserch papers due in under a month and I still have to go over the information so as i can start writing them.
You know I've been thinking about this blog, I enjoy writing it because it gets some of the things that I've been thinking or bottleing up out in the open. but is anybody even reading it? I seend out an email to my friends when ever I write a new one but now one usualy responds. I know that Nicole reads it, and I read her blog too, although she hasn't written one in a long while.
I never got all of thouse movies watched in time, just another failure on my part. but its one that I really don't care aobut so it dosn't bother me.
Today I am starting one of my most favorite times of the year in movie terms. I like to call it ThankBondMass! its a bout a 2 month celebration in which I watch all of the James Bond movies in order. not all at once of corse its spred over the 2 months that incompasses Thanksgiving, and the Hollidays (Christmas, Hannika, Kwanza, and New Years). I'm watchin Dr. No right now.
Well I do beleve that that will be all for today.
For your eyes only darling.
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