When I was little after the family would be out somewhere on the ride home my dad was the most cinical. Often he would pretend that the car had died in the middle of our the backwoods country dirt road, claiming that it was due to a UFO that was possibly going to abduct us. This had lasting tramatic effects on my sister who to this day can't even hear the word UFO or Aliens with out getting a least a goosebump. Me on the other had I was scared but even more I wanted to see it! I still want to see these little green men that my dad convinced us were going abduct us. So the UFO one was fairly common another one he would do was pull in to this little road that led off to some dear hunting land where there was a little crick (its simmilar to a stream, but kinda bigger) that we had found some dead dogs in one summer, anyway, my dad often told me of the Red Eyed Monster that was as tall as the tallest trees and had glowing red eyes and it would eat any weary traviler. Well on this particular occasion it was the Red Eyed Monster that was going to get us this time, and that freeked me out even more than the Alieins.
In their youth my dad and my aunts and uncle used to torment eachother with horror. Which all turned out to be my favorite storys about my family. The Godfather of the family's horror obsession is nonother than my Grandma, who was the only person who could ever scare a person while they tried to scare her, or else laugh and go grab the camera to capture the moment of cuitness. Well when my dad was little Grandma decided that it would be a good idea to take him to his first movie the origingal The Night of the Living Dead. Eversince Zombies have topped as my Dad's favorite monsters.
This last weekend a new zombie movie came out called ZOMBIELAND I had seen the preveiw with my cousin James and we decided that it was a movie that we had to see. Well ofcourse Dad had to go see it too. Unfortuanatly it didn't meet his expectations as a zombie flick, but it did as a comidy, because it was so fucking hillarious! NO SERIOUSLY! It was really really funny! But apparently this month or week or what ever has to be filled with zombies because I just picked up a new book on friday called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I have already read a bit in it, its pretty funny seeing as how the author took the original Jane Austen book and made it into a Zombie fest. and I honestly belive that if you want to get a guy to read Jane Austen give him this book. Because we just don't get Jane Austen its dull and lovey, and has undertones of a strong womens movement. Its like 19th cesntury Twilight, if it dosn't have blood, guts, sex, or guns in it we kinda just zone out and toss it to the side, and trust me ladies this dose include the gays too, seeing as how I am one I can say that.... the exception I sapose would be the ones who are pretty much women already but don't have the vag yet.
Well I had D&D last night again, it was a bit more boreing last night we didn't acomplish much, just died. Yes We all died. well not Lill he was sent to "heaven", and this one guy I forget his name... lets call him hummmm..... whats a big fat guys name?????...... we'll call him Bob, Bob didn't die eather he shapeshifted into a bird and flew away while the rest of us turned into stone. So that all happend rather quickly so we took the rest of the night to come up with new characters and watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno which was super funny by the way. Plus I got to see Jason Mewes's penis that was fairly exciting. You know him more commonly as Jay from Jay and silent bob. anyway good movie.
I also got an email saying that my application for TSA (Transportation Security Agency) was finaly done being prosessed and was now able to be veiwed and considered for the job.... I submitted that app almost a month ago! seriously! Oh well I hope I get an interview any way. but I also dropped apps off around the downtown area of Minneapolis. I did them at Barns and Noble, The MN Store, Applebee's, someother highend resturant that I don't remember the name of at the moment, and and Buco di Beppo's! I really hope that eather the MN store, Buco, or TSA calls.
Well lovers nothing more to report here so long!
Jesus was a Zombie you know!
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