Monday was kinda interesting, but not by much this week. Actually by very little other than that I was browsing the bullitin boards at school and saw a flyer for a Paranormal Society that was getting set up at the school. I Rushed off to the computer lab to imedeatly send them a message that I was indeed very interested in joining. My class was needless to say pretty darn boring and I kept falling asleep.
Tuseday night I was talkin' with Eve and I mentioned the Paranormal groop, seeing as how they had gotten back to me, and I also mentioned that the first meeting was on Wensday at 2, well her and Lill decied to come on with me to school!
So we met up with the founder and cofounder at the School. It turns out that thats all the more people we were going to get that day, but we talked for quiet awhile! Phantom the founder was very interesting she is one of thouse up front kinda people. but my attention was more so directed twords the little cutie pie that was the cofounder, his name was Aristocat, and boy do I want to pet that kitty!
I've also been trying to down this book that I have to read for school, its called NEWJACK by Ted Conover, and its like really good! The writing is amazing and story is interesting but its slow too so yeah.
well that pretty much it for this week ladies! talk at cha laterz!
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